
6 Months

I can't believe that Barrett is 6 months old! We celebrated with another trip to the doctor. Yes, Barrett has another ear infection... that makes 5 in his short 6 months! Finally, the doctor mentioned putting tubes in. Paxton didn't have to have them; in fact he has only had 2 ear infections in his whole 3 years. Also, Barrett was 20 pounds and 2 ounces :) He is the chunky monkey! Since it was not his "official" visit we didn't get his height, but I thought it was kinda wierd that we ended up at the doctor on his actual 6 month birthday! One of the things Barrett really enjoys right now is chewing... he has learned to grab your hair or face and pull you to him while he lovingly chews your face, preferable your nose or chin. Barrett has been eating solids for a couple of months now, but he has decided that his favorite is carrots! He is an amazing kid- the happiest baby I know. He truly only crys when he is hungry or tired! He has decided that he doesn't like his carseat. He is still in the infant carrier. I am trying to make it last as long as possible because it is so much easier. However, if he keeps on growing, he won't last much longer! Barrett has started rocking on his legs and belly. He really wants to crawl... I am not ready for that. Stay tuned!

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