Paxton jumped off the high dive, NO FEAR!
Tennis & Swimming Lessons 2011
This summer Paxton had his first swimming lessons! He had two sweet teachers, Miss Catherine and Miss Cara. They were super sweet and Paxton did pretty good. He is not fond of people that he doesn't know and it usually takes him quite some time to warm up to people. However, lately he has been alot better with this! Grandpa also tried to teach Paxton tennis one day after swimming lessons.... but Paxton wanted to have a snack instead. The top picture is after snack time with Grandpa. I think that was Paxton's favorite part about swimming lessons :)

Lake Fun
We went to the lake this July 4th weekend and had a blast! Paxton enjoyed his newest toy that his Papa bought for him, the tube/float- I don't know what it is called but you could hear Paxton screaming for joy as Papa pulled him around the lake! Barrett likes pool water, but the waves of the lake were a little much this weekend. He likes riding the boat... as long as the conditions are right- late afternoon and cloudy with a breeze :)

8 months and summer fun!
Barrett is 8 months old! I don't have any official stats since this isn't a month that we visit the doctor but because we have had to go for yet another ear infection, I do know that he weighs 21 lbs and 12 oz. Some things he is doing now are scooting around, still chewing on everything although there is much less drool since the bottom two front teeth have appeared. Barrett's new favorite food is eating the dinner combinations that Gerber offers, like macaroni and cheese/vegetable chicken/vegetable beef/ turkey and rice! I have stopped making baby food but because my last batch was so huge, we have about one more week left of vegetables. Barrett's newest accomplishment is pulling up! He is no longer satisfied with sitting, he has to be standing and because of that, he has learned how to pull himself up. He is quite advanced :) Check out the two pictures below. I cannot believe how much the boys look alike!
Barrett 8 months
Barrett 8 months
Paxton 8 months
Being Scared and Jesus
Lately, Paxton has had trouble going to sleep at night. Before now, he went to bed around 8:30 and went straight to sleep without getting up. However, these days we are lucky if he doesn't get up 3 or 4 times. He is consistent with one thing... he says he is scared. Apparently this is common among his age group or at least in his class and today there was a discussion among a few of the kids that his teacher overheard. The teacher was kind enough to write down his quote for us. Paxton's portion was this...
"When I am scared,
Jesus is always right behind me.
He always protects me.
And he can go to everyone's house and
protect you too!"
Ben and I have never been so proud! We have been praying at night with Paxton for Jesus to keep him safe and help him not to be scared. As a parent, you don't always know that they are paying attention but we are excited to know that Paxton is actually listening :)
Barrett scooting
So it took Barrett forever, but he finally started to crawl... or scoot. He has also started babbling and Ben and I both think he is saying Mama. I am very excited about this because Paxton said Dada first. Enjoy the video but be warned...this is my first attempt at you tube videoing so bare with me because the video is the wrong direction and I couldn't figure out how to rotate it. Anyone that knows how, please share your knowledge!
7 months
I somehow didn't put a post up for Barrett's seventh month :( He is actually now 7 months and 2 weeks! He is inchworming around and he's really fast. He can get to whatever he wants and usually that is something to put in his mouth. He is teething like crazy! He is huge eater now, eating 3 times a day and taking his bottle about every four hours. He naps twice a day usually about one hour in the morning and 1 1/2 -2 hours in the afternoon. He sleeps at night from about 7:30 pm till 6:30 am. He is the world's best baby and is completely rotten. He LOVES his brother and thinks everything Paxton does is absolutely hilarious! Another knew habit... falling asleep in the car. If the car ride is longer than 5 minutes, Barrett is out. Sounds great, until it interrupts his nap schedule. Oh well, it could be worse- Paxton HATED the car! Barrett's tear duct is still giving him some trouble and when he wakes up from sleeping, he has eye gunk. The doctor keeps reassuring us that we don't need to worry about it until the one year mark. We'll just have to see!
Notice the drool coming off of Barrett's chin!

Paxton gets jealous when we are trying to take pictures of Barrett, so everytime we have to make sure to get one that includes Paxton! Besides that, Paxton isn't jealous- we are lucky!

Notice the drool coming off of Barrett's chin!
Paxton gets jealous when we are trying to take pictures of Barrett, so everytime we have to make sure to get one that includes Paxton! Besides that, Paxton isn't jealous- we are lucky!
Playtime fun
Christy, my sister, and Michael (8 1/2 months) came by to play when they were in town on a short visit. The boys had a blast! They both have the same interests- eating and chewing! I am excited to see these two grow up together! Barrett (left) Michael (right)
Fun at the pool
FINALLY our neighborhood pool opened. We have been here 4 years and it took a while but it was worth it! The boys love swimming....
Paxton's 1st Babysitter!
6 Months
I can't believe that Barrett is 6 months old! We celebrated with another trip to the doctor. Yes, Barrett has another ear infection... that makes 5 in his short 6 months! Finally, the doctor mentioned putting tubes in. Paxton didn't have to have them; in fact he has only had 2 ear infections in his whole 3 years. Also, Barrett was 20 pounds and 2 ounces :) He is the chunky monkey! Since it was not his "official" visit we didn't get his height, but I thought it was kinda wierd that we ended up at the doctor on his actual 6 month birthday! One of the things Barrett really enjoys right now is chewing... he has learned to grab your hair or face and pull you to him while he lovingly chews your face, preferable your nose or chin. Barrett has been eating solids for a couple of months now, but he has decided that his favorite is carrots! He is an amazing kid- the happiest baby I know. He truly only crys when he is hungry or tired! He has decided that he doesn't like his carseat. He is still in the infant carrier. I am trying to make it last as long as possible because it is so much easier. However, if he keeps on growing, he won't last much longer! Barrett has started rocking on his legs and belly. He really wants to crawl... I am not ready for that. Stay tuned!
Happy Birthday Paxton!
It is so hard to believe that my little boy is 3 years old. He is the most amazing little man! Some his favorite things are Spiderman, Thomas, Backyardigans, fishing with Daddy, swimming in the pool, and playing with Barrett. This year, Paxton didn't have a party outside of the small one we had at school. Instead, we went as a family to A Day Out With Thomas in Calera, AL. (Thanks Dede for the tickets) I think this is a tradition that we will continue. I know I am late getting these pictures posted but we had a celebration that lasted several days! Enjoy!
I have to give Ben the credit for this present. He thought of it and got it himself. Let me tell you, it was a hit :)
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