
It's a boy!

Ben and I went actually a couple of weeks ago and found out that our newest baby will be a boy, but we went again today and got some newer pictures. We are told to expect a pretty large baby since Paxton was 10 lbs. 3 oz. At 18 weeks and 3 days, the baby already weighs 8 oz. I don't really know if that is large or not but the ultrasound tech said that the genetics of weight don't start showing themselves until after 25 weeks. I guess we will just have to see! Regardless, we are thrilled and as of now, the baby's name is Barrett!


  1. I am 18 weeks and 5 days with another little girl. Too funny! We may be in the hospital together. Mine weighs 7 oz right now so I think it's normal. I also have a 10 cm tumor in there with mine so I look like I'm carrying twins!

  2. YAY!! Congrats! I don't think I even knew you had a blog much less a baby #2 on the way! How exciting! Two boys are going to be so much fun! I'll definitely put you on my google reader to watch for updates!! Laura
