
Lap Time with Papa

The boys love their Papa! Tonight, Barrett was sitting in Papa's lap and we remembered a picture that we had gotten of Paxton in Papa's lap, so we got one of Barrett too!

Paxton, June 2008 (3 months old)

Barrett, March 2011 (4 months old)


BIG Fish :)

Late this afternoon, I went outside to tell the boys that dinner was ready and I saw Paxton in the middle of reeling in a bass from our pond! I don't know a lot about fish, but for a almost 3 year old, this one seems pretty big to me! Congratulations Pax!

4 months

Barrett is officially 4 months old. We have started waking up in the middle of the night which for us has not happened since he was 5 1/2 weeks old. I am not a fan. Luckily, he is able to cry himself back to sleep most of the time. He is trying to roll over and has been successful a few times. He mostly attempts this at night when he is having one of his fits. Ben took Barrett for his 4 month check up so I don't have the stats but the ones Ben remembered were that he weight 17 lbs and 3 oz. Also he was 27 inches long! He is actually 1/4 of an inch longer than Paxton at this age. Also, Paxton was 17 lbs 12 oz so he is not too much smaller. I think it is because of his awesome eating. Barrett will drink 6-8 oz every 3 hours like clock work. We started the rice cereal which he is okay with. I don't remember how hard scheduling food was when we did this with Paxton. It's amazing how much you forget in 3 years.

Even Paxton is getting in on Barrett's teething progress!